Intelligence Community
is a former
counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence
officer of the United States Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA). Giraldi is a recognized
authority on international security and counterterrorism
issues. He is a regular contributor to Antiwar.com
in a column titled “Smoke and Mirrors” and is a
Contributing Editor who writes a column called “Deep
Background” on terrorism, intelligence, and security
issues for The American Conservative magazine. He has
written op-ed pieces for the Hearst Newspaper chain, has
appeared on Good Morning America, MSNBC,
Public Radio, and local affiliates of ABC television. He
has been a keynote speaker at the Petroleum Industry
Security Council annual meeting, has spoken twice at the
American Conservative Union’s annual CPAC convention in
Washington, and has addressed several World Affairs
Council affiliates. He has been interviewed by the
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the British
Broadcasting Corporation, Britain’s Independent
Television Network, FOX News, Polish National
Television, Croatian National Television, al-Jazeera,
al-Arabiya, 60 Minutes, and Court TV. He prepares and
edits a nationally syndicated subscription service
newsletter on September 11th issues for corporate
clients. Giraldi is the Executive Director of the
Council for the National Interest, a group that
advocates for more even handed policies by the U.S.
government in the Middle East.
is a retired CIA officer who holds an
M.A. in Russian Studies from Fordham University, a
certificate in Theological Studies from Georgetown
University, and who is a graduate of Harvard Business
School’s Advanced Management Program.
McGovern was a CIA analyst from 1963
to 1990.
In the 1980s
he chaired National Intelligence
Estimates and prepared the President's Daily Brief. He
received the Intelligence Commendation Medal at his
McGovern's current work
includes commentating on intelligence issues and in 2003
co-founding Veteran Intelligence Professionals for
Video, MP3 Audio,
retired in
2005 from a 28-year career in the U.S. intelligence
community, in which his last position was National
Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South Asia.
Earlier he served in a variety of analytical and
managerial positions, including as chief of analytic
units at the CIA covering portions of the Near East, the
Persian Gulf, and South Asia. Professor Pillar also
served in the National Intelligence Council as one of
the original members of its Analytic Group. He has been
Executive Assistant to CIA's Deputy Director for
Intelligence and Executive Assistant to Director of
Central Intelligence William Webster. He has also headed
the Assessments and Information Group of the DCI
Counterterrorist Center, and from 1997 to 1999 was
deputy chief of the center. He was a Federal Executive
Fellow at the Brookings Institution in 1999-2000.
Professor Pillar is a retired officer in the U.S. Army
Reserve and served on active duty in 1971-1973,
including a tour of duty in Vietnam.
Video, MP3
Defense and
Law Enforcement
James J.
is a retired
Brigadier General, and a graduate of the U.S. Army's
Command and General Staff College, and the National
Security Course, National Defense University, Washington
DC. He served nearly 3 years of Army active duty in and
around the Middle East from 1967-1969.
General David was assigned to the Republic of Vietnam as
a company commander with the 101st Airborne Division
from 1969-1970. After his tour in Vietnam
General David commanded a Chaparral-Vulcan Air Defense
Artillery battery and received one of Europe's highest
awards for missile battery proficiency when his missile
battery scored a perfect score in its annual service
practice on the Island of Crete. After his active duty
tours, General David commanded the 429th, and the 434th
Chemical Detachments in Chamblee, Georgia, United States
Army Reserves. The 434th Chemical Detachment received
unit honors when it was later mobilized and served in
the first Gulf war. His decorations include the National
Defense Service Medal, Army Service Medal with Overseas
Ribbon and bar, the Vietnam Service Medal, Army
Commendation Medal, with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, and the
Bronze Star Medal.
"Spike" Bowman
is a specialist in national security affairs. Bowman was
most recently the Deputy, National Counterintelligence
Executive. Previously, he was Senior Research Fellow at
the National Defense University (Center for Technology
and National Security Policy). He retired from the
Senior Executive Service, Federal Bureau of
Investigation where he served successively as Deputy
General Counsel (National Security Law) Senior Counsel
for National Security Law and Director, Intelligence
Issues and Policy Group (National Security Branch). He
is a former intelligence officer, an international
lawyer and a recognized specialist in national security
law with extensive experience in espionage and terrorism
investigations. Bowman is also a retired U.S. Navy
Captain who has served as Head of International Law at
the Naval War College, as a diplomat at the U.S. Embassy
in Rome, Italy and as Chief of Litigation for the U.S.
Karen U.
retired from the U.S. Air Force with the rank of
Lieutenant Colonel following service at the top echelons
of the Pentagon, including the Office of Special Plans
during the run-up to the war in Iraq. She served as
Political-military affairs officer in the Office of the
Secretary of Defense, Under Secretary for Policy, in the
Sub-Saharan Africa and Near East South Asia (NESA)
Policy directorates; worked on the North Africa desk;
served on the Air Force Staff, Operations Directorate at
the Pentagon; served on the staff of the Director of the
National Security Agency (NSA) at Fort Meade, as well as
tours of duty in Alaska, Massachusetts, Spain and Italy.
Kwiatkowski is the author of two books about U.S. foreign policy towards
African Crisis Response Initiative: Past Present and
Future (US Army Peacekeeping Institute, 2000) and
Expeditionary Air Operations in Africa: Challenges and
Solutions (Air University Press, 2001). Kwiatkowski has
an MA in Government from Harvard University, MS in
Science Management from the University of Alaska, and
completed both Air Command and Staff College and the
Naval War College seminar programs. She earned her Ph.D.
in World Politics from Catholic University of America in
2005. Kwiatkowski's analysis of the U.S. invasion of
Iraq has been featured in a number of documentaries,
including Why We Fight in 2005. She has written for
The American Conservative and for LewRockwell.com since
Video, MP3
served the 20th District of Illinois during eleven terms
from 1961 to 1983.
Findley wrote the very first book to
analyze the pervasive influence of the American-Israeli
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) on American politics,
policy, and institutions from the perspective of
Congress. Carefully documented with specific case
histories, They Dare Speak out: People and Institutions
Confront Israel's Lobby reveals how the Israel lobby
helps to shape important aspects of U.S. foreign policy
and influences congressional, senatorial, and
presidential elections. First published in 1985 and
reprinted several times since, the book criticizes the
undue influence AIPAC exerts in the Senate and the House
and the pressure AIPAC brings to bear on university
professors and journalists who seem too sympathetic to
Arab and Islamic states or too critical of Israel and
its policies. Findley is co-founder of the Council
for the National Interest.
MP3 Audio,
served six terms in the United States House of
Representatives between 1993-2003. McKinney was
the first African-American woman to represent Georgia in
the House. McKinney was the Green Party presidential
candidate in 2008. McKinney earned a B.A. in
international relations from the University of Southern
California, an M.A. in Law and Diplomacy from the
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts
University. Before entering politics, she worked as a
high school teacher and later as a university professor.
Video, MP3
is a
journalist and radio programmer.
His articles have appeared in CounterPunch, Dissident
Voice, Mondoweiss, Pulse Media, Left Curve,
The Washington Report on Middle East
Affairs and the Encyclopedia of the
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. He currently hosts a twice
monthly program on international affairs for KZYX, the
public radio station for Mendocino County in Northern
California where he now lives.
Blankfort was a founding member of the November
29th Committee on Palestine, a co-founder of the Labor
Committee on the Middle East and editor of its
publication, The Middle East Labor Bulletin (1988-1995).
Video, MP3
C. Brownfeld
is a
syndicated columnist, associate editor of The Lincoln
Review and the editor of Issues, the quarterly journal
of the American Council for Judaism. He is a
contributing editor to The Washington Report on Middle
East Affairs. Brownfeld served on the faculties of St. Stephen's
Episcopal School, Alexandria, Virginia, and the
University College of the University of Maryland. Mr.
Brownfeld has written for such newspapers as
The Houston Press, The Richmond Times Dispatch, The
Washington Evening Star, and The Cincinnati Enquirer.
His weekly column appeared for more than a
decade in Roll Call, the
newspaper of Capitol Hill. His articles have
also appeared in such journals
as The Yale Review, The Texas
Quarterly, the North American Review, Orbis and Modern
Age. Mr. Brownfeld served as a member of the
staff of the U.S. Senate Internal Security Subcommittee
and also served as Assistant to the Research Director of
the House Republican Conference.
Video, MP3
is the
executive director and news editor at The Washington
Report on Middle East Affairs. Before joining the
magazine in 1996, Hanley spent decades in the Middle
East, studying in Lebanon, volunteering with the Peace
Corps and later working in Oman and Saudi Arabia. From
1990 to 1996 Hanley worked as a researcher, editor and
writer for Empire Press (now Weider History Group) and
Sovereign Media. Hanley writes for the Washington
Report on an array of topics, and her articles have
also been published in the Arab News, the
Minaret, Islamic Horizons, Jewish
Spectator and other publications. She is the winner
of the NAAJA 2011 Excellence in Journalism award for her
dedication to accuracy and professionalism.
Video, MP3
is an
American journalist and founder of The American
Conservative. After working on the 1976
presidential campaign of Jimmy Carter, McConnell earned
a Ph.D in history at Columbia University, During this
time he became attracted to the neoconservative movement
and began writing for Commentary and National
Review. In 1989, McConnell became an editorial
writer and later columnist for the New York Post
and served as editorial page editor in 1997. McConnell
was fired from the Post later that year.
has since emerged as one of the leading figures in the
broadly defined paleoconservative movement. After
spending many years as a columnist for the New York
Press and Antiwar.com, in 2002 he
collaborated with Pat Buchanan and Taki Theodoracopolous
in founding The American Conservative, a magazine
which has served as a voice for traditionalist
conservatives opposed to both liberalism and the
policies of the George W. Bush administration. By the
end of 2004, McConnell became the sole editor of The
American Conservative.
Video, MP3
is the
managing editor at The Washington Report on Middle East
Affairs. She earned her B.A. in English at Reed College
and has a
diploma in Middle East Studies from the American
University in Cairo. She is an expert on the Israel
lobby and pro-Israel political action committees (PACs).
She co-edited Seeing the Light: Personal Encounters With
the Middle East and Islam, and Donald Neff’s 50 Years of
Israel, both compilations of feature articles from
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. In addition to
her editorial duties, she has written special reports on
Israel and Palestine, and has contributed articles to
special issues of the Washington Report on Iran,
Tunisia, Cyprus and Libya. Video, MP3
is an American author specializing in military,
intelligence, and foreign affairs analysis who has
authored eight books: Four Stars: The Inside Story of
the Forty-Year Battle Between the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and America's Civilian Leaders, Eclipse: The Last Days
of the CIA, A Fire In Zion: Inside the
Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process, Conceived in Liberty,
Lift Up Thy Voice, Grant and Twain, Partners In Command,
and Talking To Terrorists: Why America Must Engage
with its Enemies. Perry’s articles have been
featured in a number of leading publications including
The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, The Nation,
Newsday, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Christian
Science Monitor, and The Plain Dealer. He is a graduate
of Northwestern Military and Naval Academy and of Boston
University. Perry is the former co-Director of the
Washington, D.C., London, and Beirut-based Conflicts
Forum, which specializes in engaging with Islamist
movements in the Levant in dialogue with the West. Perry
served as co-Director for over five years. Perry served
as an unofficial advisor to PLO Chairman and Palestinian
President Yasser Arafat from 1989 to 2004. Perry has
appeared on numerous national and international
televised forums and is a frequent guest commentator and
expert on Al-Jazeera television, has appeared regularly
on CNN’s The International Hour and on Special
Assignment. Perry’s books have met with critical acclaim
from Kirkus Reviews, The Washington Post, The New York
Review of Books, The New York Times, The New Yorker, and
many other publications. He has served as editor of
Washington D.C.’s City Paper, and The Veteran, the
largest circulation newspaper for veterans. Perry was
also Washington correspondent for The Palestine Report,
and is currently a senior fellow at the Jerusalem Media
and Communications Center. Perry is the recipient of
both the 1995 National Jewish Book Award for his second
book, A Fire In Zion, as well as journalism’s prestigious “Project Censored" Award.
Video, MP3
Gareth Porter is an independent investigative journalist
and historian who specializes in U.S. national security
policy. He writes regularly for IPS and has also
published investigative articles on Salon.com,
the Nation, the American Prospect,
Truthout and The Raw Story. His blogs have
been published on Huffington Post, Firedoglake,
Counterpunch and many other websites. Porter was
Saigon bureau chief of Dispatch News Service
International in 1971 and later reported on trips to
Southeast Asia for The Guardian, Asian Wall Street
Journal and Pacific News Service. He is the
author of four books on the Vietnam War and the
political system of Vietnam. His most recent book is
Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran
Nuclear Scare. The book highlights the impact that
the United States' alliance with Israel had on
Washington's turning the International Atomic Energy
Agency into a tool of its anti-Iran policy.
Video, MP3
John B.
Quigley is
a professor of law at the Moritz College of Law at the
Ohio State University, where he is the Presidents' Club
Professor of Law. In 1995 he was recipient of The Ohio
State University Distinguished Scholar Award. Before
joining the Ohio State faculty in 1969, Professor
Quigley was a research scholar at Moscow State
University, and a research associate in comparative law
at Harvard Law School. Professor Quigley teaches
International Law and Comparative Law and holds an
adjunct appointment in the Political Science Department.
In 1982-83 he was a visiting professor at the University
of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. John Quigley is active in
international human rights work. He has published many
articles and books on human rights, the United Nations,
war and peace, east European law, African law, and the
Arab-Israeli conflict, including The Case for
Palestine: An International Law Perspective, Duke
University Press, 2005 and The Statehood of Palestine,
Cambridge University Press. 2011
Video, MP3
M. Walt
is professor of International Affairs at Harvard
University; previously taught at Princeton University,
University of Chicago; consultant for the Institute of
Defense Analyses, the Center for Naval Analyses, and the
National Defense University. He presently serves on the
editorial boards of Foreign Policy, Security Studies,
International Relations, and Journal of Cold War
Walt also serves as Co-Editor of the Cornell
Studies in Security Affairs. Author of The Origins of
Alliances, which received the 1988 Edgar S. Furniss
National Security Book Award and, with co-author John J.
Mearsheimer of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign
Video, MP3
Geoffrey Wawro
is Professor of
History and Director of the Military History Center at
the University of North Texas in the Dallas Metroplex.
From 2000-2005 he was Professor of Strategic Studies at
the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. A
Modern European historian by training, Dr. Wawro’s Ph.D
is from Yale University, his B.A. Magna Cum Laude from
Brown University. Dr. Wawro is the author of four highly
regarded books: Quicksand: America’s Pursuit of Power in
the Middle East (Penguin Press, 2010), The
Franco-Prussian War (Cambridge, 2003), Warfare and
Society in Europe, 1792-1914 (Routledge, 2000), and
Austro-Prussian War (Cambridge, 1996). He is the
co-editor (with Oxford’s Hew Strachan) of The Cambridge
Military Histories — published by Cambridge University
Press — and is a member of the History Book Club Review
Board. Wawro has published articles in The Journal of
Military History, War in History, The International
History Review, The Naval War College Review, American
Scholar, and European History Quarterly, and op-eds
in the Los Angeles Times, New York Post, Miami Herald,
Hartford Courant and Providence Journal.
Video, MP3
Weiss is
an American journalist who co-edits Mondoweiss, a news
website devoted to covering American foreign policy in
the Middle East, chiefly from a progressive Jewish
Weiss has written for the New York Times
Magazine, Harper's Magazine, Esquire,
and the New York Observer. In 2006 he began
writing a daily blog called Mondoweiss on The New York
Observer website. In the spring of 2007 he started
Mondoweiss as an independent blog because of 9/11, Iraq,
Gaza, the Nakba, the struggling people of Israel and
Palestine, with the aim of building a diverse community,
with posts from many authors.
He co-edited The
Goldstone Report: The Legacy of the Landmark
Investigation of the Gaza Conflict (2011) with Adam
Horowitz and Lizzy Ratner.
Video, MP3
Nonprofits /
Public Policy /
A. Gallo
is president
of the USS Liberty Veterans Association. He is a former
Communications Technician, Second Class in the Navy
Following his active duty with the U.S. Navy Gallo had
a 28-and-a-half year career with the CIA supporting U.S.
communications around the world.
Gallo is the author
of the 2013 book, Liberty
Injustices: A Survivor's Account of American Bigotry.
Video, MP3
is an
American author and the editorial director of
Antiwar.com. In addition to his thrice-weekly column for
Antiwar.com, Raimondo is a regular contributor to The
American Conservative and Chronicles
magazines. Raimondo's books include Reclaiming the
American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative
Movement (Center for Libertarian Studies, 1993),
reissued in 2008 with new introduction by George W.
Carey, by Intercollegiate Studies Institute.
Into the Bosnian Quagmire: The Case Against U.S.
Intervention in the Balkans (AFPAC, 1996). Colin
Powell and the Power Elite (America First Books,
1996). An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N.
Rothbard, (Prometheus Books, July 2000).
F. Smith
the director of the Institute
for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep) in
Washington, DC. He is the author of two unofficial
histories of AIPAC–America’s Defense Line: The
Justice Department's Battle to Register the Israel Lobby
as Agents of a Foreign Government and Foreign
Agents: AIPAC from the 1963 Fulbright Hearings to the
2005 Espionage Scandal, as well as the books Divert,
Spy Trade, Deadly
Dogma, Visa Denied and editor of the book Neocon Middle
East Policy. Before joining IRmep, Smith was senior
analyst and later program manager at Yankee Group
Research, Inc. in Boston. Smith has a bachelor’s degree
in International Relations from the University of
Minnesota and a Masters in International Management from
the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Jeff Stein of The Washington Post designated Smith “a
Washington D.C. author who has made a career out of
writing critical books on Israeli spying and lobbying.” Nathan Guttman of
The Jewish Daily Forward recognizes
Smith as leading a public effort to “call attention of
the authorities to AIPAC’s activity and demands public
scrutiny of the group’s legal status.” John J.
Mearsheimer, the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished
Service Professor of Political Science at the University
of Chicago claims “Grant Smith’s new book is a major
step forward in correcting that problem. He provides a
fascinating–and disturbing–account of how I.
L. Kenen
laid the groundwork for AIPAC, the most powerful
organization in the lobby." Video, MP3
J. Sniegoski
Ph.D. earned his doctorate in American history, with a
focus on American foreign policy, at the University of
Maryland. His focus on the neoconservative involvement
in American foreign policy is the subject of his book The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda, War
in the Middle East, and the National Interest of
Israel. The book asserts that although it is
generally understood that American neoconservatives
pushed hard for the war in Iraq, the neocons' goal was
not the spread of democracy, but the protection of
Israel's interests in the Middle East. Showing that the
neocon movement has always identified closely with the
interests of Israel's Likudnik right wing, the
discussion contends that neocon advice on Iraq was the
exact opposite of conventional United States foreign
Video, MP3
is president of the Council for the National Interest,
created by ambassadors and former Congressmen in 1989
and executive director of If Americans Knew, a nonprofit
organization she founded following an independent
investigation as a freelance journalist to the West Bank
and Gaza in early 2001. She writes and speaks widely on
Israel-Palestine, and is considered the foremost analyst
on media coverage of the region. Her book on the history
of US-Israel relations will be published in February.
Her articles have appeared in Censored 2005, The
Encyclopedia of Palestine-Israel, The Washington Report
on Middle East Affairs, CounterPunch, Editor &
Publisher, The Link, and other books and publications.
She has spoken in England, Wales, Qatar, Baghdad,
Ramallah, Asia Media Summits in Kuala Lumpur and
Beijing, on Capitol Hill, and at numerous American
universities, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford,
Berkeley, Georgetown, the Fletcher School of Law and
Diplomacy, and the Naval Postgraduate Institute. In 2004
she was inducted into honorary membership of Phi Alpha
Literary Society at Illinois College. The award cited
her as a: “Courageous journalist-lecturer on behalf of
human rights. She is the first woman in history to
receive an honorary membership in Phi Alpha.” The New
York Times reported of her presentation: “When the
speech ended, Ms. Weir was met with thunderous applause,
and across the room there was a widespread sense of
satisfaction that someone was saying what needed to be
said.” Former US Senator Tom Campbell stated: “Ms. Weir
presents a powerful, well documented view of the Middle
East today. She is intelligent, careful, and critical.
American policy makers would benefit greatly from
hearing her first-hand observations and attempting to
answer the questions she poses.”
Video, MP3
 The list
is final.
The following speakers also served as panel moderators
during the event: Philip Giraldi, Delinda Hanley, Janet
McMahon, Grant F. Smith and Alison Weir.
The event master of ceremonies who
presented the host organizations, rules for question and
answers and who served as moderator of
panel five was radio host
Scott Horton of Antiwar Radio for 90.7 FM KPFK in Los
Angeles and founder of the
Scott Horton Show
on Liberty Express.
Scott has conducted more than 3,000
interviews since 2003, including with many of the
experts who spoke at the National Summit. Most are
archived online and may be downloaded at
Scott Horton Show.
National Summit 2014 DVD!
Books by National Summit 2014 Speakers