the Executive Outmaneuver Congress to save Palestine and
Israel? (Video
YouTube Audio MP3)
by Paul
served the 20th District of Illinois during eleven terms
from 1961 to 1983.
Findley wrote the very first book to
analyze the pervasive influence of the American-Israeli
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) on American politics,
policy, and institutions from the perspective of
Congress. Carefully documented with specific case
histories, They Dare Speak out: People and Institutions
Confront Israel's Lobby reveals how the Israel lobby
helps to shape important aspects of U.S. foreign policy
and influences congressional, senatorial, and
presidential elections. First published in 1985 and
reprinted several times since, the book criticizes the
undue influence AIPAC exerts in the Senate and the House
and the pressure AIPAC brings to bear on university
professors and journalists who seem too sympathetic to
Arab and Islamic states or too critical of Israel and
its policies. Findley is co-founder of the Council
for the National Interest.
you. Thanks for the warm welcome.
The first
Israeli settlement was established in the early 1970s,
forty years ago. It was wrong. It should have been
resisted by a torrent of protests across the country. It
did not come. And I freely admit my own personal guilt.
I should have done more. I should have made this the
cause of the day, everyday, from then on. But today I
have what I call happy news. There is a way out. And
it’s a way that is humane, just, and peaceful. Not one
shot out of a gun is required. Not one extra dollar or
shekel is required:
Barack Obama, acting alone, can extricate Palestine,
Israel, and America from the seemingly inescapable
quagmire in which all three are sinking these days.
To make
peace possible, Obama must issue an Executive Order
suspending all aid to Israel, until Israel and Palestine
conclude a peace treaty that creates a two-state
must recognize Palestine’s sovereignty over all
territory seized in the l967 war. All Israeli personnel
and officials must leave Palestine only those who
approved by the government of Palestine would be able to
remain as foreign nationals.
Now that
is the negative side of the picture from the standpoint
of Israelis. Look at the positive effect this would have
on Israel.
For the
first time in history, Israelis would be able to achieve
peace and security at home and abroad, a prospect that
is unthinkable today. Arab states long ago agreed to
recognize Israel and have peaceful relations with Israel
once Palestine became nationally sovereign and
politically independent with its international borders
recognized as legitimate and inviolable by the UN
Security Council.
When that
happens, Israel will be free from territorial expansion
and the burden of the occupation, which must be
horrendous, but is rarely discussed. And if requested by
either party, I would recommend that the U.S. provide
military police in order to keep order during the
will be greatly strengthened by this process, because
the Arab states all agreed to extend normal relations
once Palestine was secure and that would have an
enormous effect on the future of Israel.
with Palestine’s national sovereignty and independence,
Hamas, Hizbollah, Islamic Jihad, Al-Qaeda, Iran, and
many other countries long opposed to Israel’s illegal
occupation will have less reason—perhaps none—to
challenge the Jewish state.
Because Israel will have finally agreed to abide by the
Fourth Geneva Convention, which is very important
because Israel not only signed the Fourth Geneva
Convention, it was one of the driving forces for its
Palestinians will be ecstatic. They will enjoy full
citizenship for the first time since the end of World
War II.
For the
first time in nearly half a century, America will be
liberated from complicity in Israel’s unlawful treatment
of Arabs.
groups will lose one of the main stated reasons for
being. The specter of religious war between the West and
the East will be drifting away.
act will also set free the people like us of America and
Israelis would be freed from the stigma that has existed
for the last forty years for having long been
international outlaws [inaudible].
If Obama
acts and perseveres, the world will rejoice in his
statesmanship, and historians will record him a great
Executive Order, like the one that Abraham Lincoln used
to emancipate the slaves, will herald the blessings of
liberty for millions of long-suffering human beings.
But Obama
must act, and act promptly, and persevere. It won’t work
Only a
dream? Yes, but more than that— it’s a vision that is as
practical as it is humane.
It will
become the reality if our president sees clearly and
acts with statesmanship and moves decisively to grasp
what I call the outstretched hand of destiny.
Now this
is a tall order, but it will work if Obama is bestirred
to action. He’s toward the end of his eight year term.
He has expressed many times his sympathy for the
Palestinians. Here is his chance to do something about
And here
is something that you can do about it, too. Back on the
tables are several hundred copies of a petition to
President Obama. And this petition needs to have
signatures on it. Obama needs to have piles of these
petitions show up every morning for a long time.
It’s the
one hope I have that this message will finally reach him
I have
tried numerous avenues for about four months to try to
get the message to Obama. The bright promise that this
approach holds for him personally. The bright promise
that it holds for the state of Israel. The bright
promise that it holds for Palestine and for the people
of the United States.
So if you
would like copies of the petition there are two or three
hundred of them on one of the tables back of this
assembly hall. And I hope you will act upon it. I won’t
give up. I have other avenues I will pursue. Because I
see this as the great hope of our country, of humanity,
and if we act decisively through the President, good
things will happen very soon, of that I am certain. So I
invite you to take part.
All of us
were negligent during the development of the
settlements. Today 500,000 illegal settlers live on land
that belongs to the Palestinian people, 500,000, and
those half million people encompass one half of the land
that Israel has occupied and treated as subordinate
group of human beings.
That’s my
message. I see hope today because I believe Obama is at
the point in his presidency when he will be seeking a
legend, a memorial to his service, and this could make
him an all-time hero that would be matched by no one
Thank you
very much.
Prepared by Paul Findley
Member of Congress 1961-1983
Jacksonville, IL 62650
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